A Generous Life: November 20

A Generous Life: November 20, 2022
Pastor Nate Levering with Kids Ministry Director, Rachel Tidwell
Featuring: Missionary, Jorge Aguero with EMI Mexico
Good Morning, church and Happy Thanksgiving Week (officially). Did you catch the party on stage Sunday? Our lights were having a grand ol' time celebrating the season with us and it wasn't even planned! How kind of them to do.
Is there grace in giving?
The Apostle Paul would believe so. As he encourages the Macedonian churches, he says this, "But since you excel in everything- in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you- see that you also excel in this grace of giving" (2 Corinthians 8:7). We, too, have greatly excelled in many areas of our lives independently and collectively, but do we consider being excellent givers, soaring in generosity? And with that, how is grace displayed?
We heard the financial story of some of our congregation members, Siera and Jeremy Warnick. From losing his job and having to make the choice between food and diapers for what was their newborn, to now both working and being able to not only provide for their growing family but also generously give back what is already God's, they have encountered incredible grace in their marriage and in their perspective of contentment. We know that this is not everyone's story, but we also know that God would not ask us to live generously if He wasn't also able to provide. What would it take for you to live a more content life?
Bulletin notes:
1. I am a steward.
2. I give because God gave.
3. I need a plan, I choose a percentage and I make a priority.
4. Until your Heavenly Father has access to your money, He does not have access to your heart.
As this was a family service, about half way through, our Kids Ministry Director, Rachel Tidwell brought kids on stage for the "Kids Chat". She gave each of the kids $5 and encouraged them to do something generous. Whether it's pulling their money together as siblings and paying for someone's meal, buying a gift card for a person who is homeless, donating it to a charity or missionary, these kids are learning what it looks like to give back to God's people with grace and joy. How exciting! We'll be on the lookout for your social media stories, sharing and tagging #another5. Thanks Mrs. Rachel!
To close out service, Matt Frediani, a member of our Missions Team, introduced Missionary, Jorge Aguero from EMI Mexico. As Sierra Bible Church has partnered with missionaries all over the world for many years, Jorge was a kid at a church in Mexico when our team would go down there to serve. As an adult now, married with two children, God has led him to the field and we could not be more thrilled for his family. EMI (Engineering Ministries International) uses architects, engineers, surveyors and more to aid Christian ministries with development and so much more. Visit emiworld.org for more information and learn how you can serve, partner or pray with them.
Thank you for joining us and we look forward to seeing you again this coming week!
Pastor Nate Levering with Kids Ministry Director, Rachel Tidwell
Featuring: Missionary, Jorge Aguero with EMI Mexico
Good Morning, church and Happy Thanksgiving Week (officially). Did you catch the party on stage Sunday? Our lights were having a grand ol' time celebrating the season with us and it wasn't even planned! How kind of them to do.
Is there grace in giving?
The Apostle Paul would believe so. As he encourages the Macedonian churches, he says this, "But since you excel in everything- in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you- see that you also excel in this grace of giving" (2 Corinthians 8:7). We, too, have greatly excelled in many areas of our lives independently and collectively, but do we consider being excellent givers, soaring in generosity? And with that, how is grace displayed?
We heard the financial story of some of our congregation members, Siera and Jeremy Warnick. From losing his job and having to make the choice between food and diapers for what was their newborn, to now both working and being able to not only provide for their growing family but also generously give back what is already God's, they have encountered incredible grace in their marriage and in their perspective of contentment. We know that this is not everyone's story, but we also know that God would not ask us to live generously if He wasn't also able to provide. What would it take for you to live a more content life?
Bulletin notes:
1. I am a steward.
2. I give because God gave.
3. I need a plan, I choose a percentage and I make a priority.
4. Until your Heavenly Father has access to your money, He does not have access to your heart.
As this was a family service, about half way through, our Kids Ministry Director, Rachel Tidwell brought kids on stage for the "Kids Chat". She gave each of the kids $5 and encouraged them to do something generous. Whether it's pulling their money together as siblings and paying for someone's meal, buying a gift card for a person who is homeless, donating it to a charity or missionary, these kids are learning what it looks like to give back to God's people with grace and joy. How exciting! We'll be on the lookout for your social media stories, sharing and tagging #another5. Thanks Mrs. Rachel!
To close out service, Matt Frediani, a member of our Missions Team, introduced Missionary, Jorge Aguero from EMI Mexico. As Sierra Bible Church has partnered with missionaries all over the world for many years, Jorge was a kid at a church in Mexico when our team would go down there to serve. As an adult now, married with two children, God has led him to the field and we could not be more thrilled for his family. EMI (Engineering Ministries International) uses architects, engineers, surveyors and more to aid Christian ministries with development and so much more. Visit emiworld.org for more information and learn how you can serve, partner or pray with them.
Thank you for joining us and we look forward to seeing you again this coming week!
- November 27 at 5:30: Advent Wreath Making & Cookie Decorating in the Worship Center. $10 donation for advent kit (includes wreath making supplies, 4 cookies for decorating)
- Cookie Delivery: last day to sign people up is Dec. 1. Delivery will be Dec. 3.
- Dec. 4: New To Lunch in the Music Room at 12:00.
- Dec. 10-11: Behold The King, an SBC Music Performance. Dec. 10 at 6:30; Dec. 11. at 8:45 and 10:30.
- Dec. 14: JOY Club Luncheon at 12:00 in the Worship Center. $5 at the door.
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