Missions Update: Quito

December 22, 2022
Can you believe we are mere days away from Christmas. Already. Time does it again.
We'd like to share just a quick update on the Chamorro family and ask you to continue to pray over them and the ministry in Quito, Ecuador.
Here's what they sent:
Greetings! Thank you very much for allowing us to be part of the missionary work of SBC.
We serve the Lord in a town of Nayón, located northeast of the city of Quito. The majority of the population is Catholic and this makes them apathetic to the Gospel. Nevertheless, we are there by the grace of God.
In the previous letter I reported how we are in the ministry and the needs to pray and to give thanks to the Lord.
The prayer needs are: for the marriage of my son Eduardo is the minister of praise; for my health that I suffer from Diabetes; the discipleship group (10 people) qualitative and quantitative growth for our church. Home cells. May the Lord touch hearts so that non-believers come closer to the Lord when we teach the Word of God.
My wife and I are very grateful for your financial and spiritual support of our ministry.
Rigo and Mary Chamorro
Can you believe we are mere days away from Christmas. Already. Time does it again.
We'd like to share just a quick update on the Chamorro family and ask you to continue to pray over them and the ministry in Quito, Ecuador.
Here's what they sent:
Greetings! Thank you very much for allowing us to be part of the missionary work of SBC.
We serve the Lord in a town of Nayón, located northeast of the city of Quito. The majority of the population is Catholic and this makes them apathetic to the Gospel. Nevertheless, we are there by the grace of God.
In the previous letter I reported how we are in the ministry and the needs to pray and to give thanks to the Lord.
The prayer needs are: for the marriage of my son Eduardo is the minister of praise; for my health that I suffer from Diabetes; the discipleship group (10 people) qualitative and quantitative growth for our church. Home cells. May the Lord touch hearts so that non-believers come closer to the Lord when we teach the Word of God.
My wife and I are very grateful for your financial and spiritual support of our ministry.
Rigo and Mary Chamorro
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